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Autor: Morgenstern

Erstellt am: 19.01.2010

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Thoughts with alcohol

Geschrieben von:   Morgenstern

Teil des Episodenwerkes: A Drinker's Diary

  - Einleitung
  - Kapitel 1: Thoughts with alcohol
  - Kapitel 2: Thoughts about alcohol
  - Kapitel 3: Thoughts about alcohol
  - Kapitel 4: Thoughts with alcohol
  - Kapitel 5: Thoughts with and about alcohol
  - Kapitel 6: Thoughts with alcohol
  - Kapitel 7: Thoughts about alcohol
  - Kapitel 8: Thoughts with alcohol
  - Kapitel 9: Thoughts about alcohol
  - Kapitel 10: Thoughts about alcohol
  - Kapitel 11: Thoughts about alcohol
  - Kapitel 12: Thoughts with alcohol
  - Kapitel 13: Deterioration
  - Kapitel 14: Gedanken mit John an meiner Seite.

I drank today, yet still, as you see, I am able to write. I enjoyed a good lecture and presentation at the museum, then I had a couple drinks with a group of wonderful girls in a Cafe, until I found my beer drinking companions.
As you see Alcohol has caught me, as foretold yesterday, but the night was a success: no depression showed up. But please be warned and reminded that this was just another game of Russian Roulette, one which I won.