Woodland Walk
Geschrieben von: Silence
Anmerkungen des Autors:
Ich habe ein riesiges Stück Baumrinde zu Hause, möchte folgende Zeilen als Erinnerung des Moments und der Herkunft eingravieren und wollte euch nur mal bitten drüber zu schauen, ob da irgendwelche groben Fehler drin sind, denn sobald ich mit dem Brennen anfange ist es permanent.
Rays of sunlight pierce the green,
Dancing through and in between,
The leafy shadows ‘round the bark,
In golden coloured, warming arc.
Rustling, bustling, creaking, groaning,
In the wind the oaks are moaning.
Dropping, running, beating, sliding,
Raindrops and green roofs colliding.
While tiny birds sing wondrous song,
Yet smaller mice hustle along,
Curious as to who intrudes,
Upon their home between the roots.
As a stronger gust appears,
A thunderous crack reaches our ears,
For an oak the time had come,
And natures force took it along.
And on its bark I write these words,
So even though it’s passing hurts,
We will remember ‘ere it stood,
And that we walked in yonder wood.