Wolf and Fox
Geschrieben von: Morgenstern
Anmerkungen des Autors:
I\'d like to argue
The lonely wolf, who had deserted his pack in order to find the purpose behind the miracle of life, and the fox, who always had found his way alone, but never separated completely from his fellows, met one day at the river in the forest. And as they were talking about the weather the wolf asked the fox for his opinion, where the weather came from in the first place? The fox was quick to respond and answered that there must be a god or many supreme beings, responsible for all worldly thinks, luck, fate and so on. “Since how, if there is no faith, which is needed to understand and believe in these supreme beings, because otherwise we cannot explain them, do you want to explain things like beauty and morals? You cannot see or touch them, you cannot hold desire in your paws, except if you are very lonely of course” said the fox with a chuckle. “And even more for many rational approaches to unknown things, you need to believe in certain things first: Your senses are required for almost every conclusion you make, some scientific hypothesis’ you have accepted as truth, gravity for example.” The wolf seemed to be impressed by the Fox’s smartness, even though it was obvious to him that the fox wasn’t the father of these thoughts, he had read them somewhere. And so, slightly peeved as he felt, the wolf made up his argument, based on what he had seen in a life, filled with pain, treason and hate. “First we have to understand our nature in order to understand other’s, since if we cannot trust in ourselves, then any other form of faith will also be worthless. So what are we?” And as the Fox wanted to interrupt him with “We are all creatio…” the lonely wolf asked him to wait: “We cannot trust our senses, because they can be manipulated and influenced, so the only thing we really know for sure is that we exist because we think. But does that answer the question? No not really, because this question cannot be answered without the senses. If we trusted in the senses, we would be a big, interacting clump of organic compounds, connected through an interesting system of microorganisms and electricity. If we trusted in faith, we would be a part of god’s will, created in his own image, as the Supreme creation to rule over all other organisms.” The fox slightly discouraged by the complexity of the matter didn’t know what to say and asked the wolf to continue. “Secondly,” the wolf continued, “we have to question all creatures, since their variety is vital for central theories of science and their faith and existence vital for the existence of god. One of the central ideas of science is evolution. Evolution proves major religious aspects wrong and brings science a great victory. But Populations are required to have faith in god, since he is apparently their creator. But not everyone believes in a Creator, so why does the supreme being not make them believe. What is the point of creating and existing if it doesn\'t? When people have tried to convince me of religion before, they often tried to connect science and faith. But even if we need to accept some things in order to learn more, which is science, this cannot be called faith in primary things, but rather a logical, rational adventure and experiment.” The Fox now became very desperate and decided to ask serveral friends to join the debate. After a short while they returned and with fresh forces defended their creator: “If there was no creator, how come the universe is in so definite order? This can not all be a coincidence. And there must be creation, since everything has a beginning. The chain of cause and event seems to be infinite.” The wolf chuckled at this and quickly destroyed all of these points: “The univere could be in definite order because of scientifically discovered forces such as electricity and magnetism. Maybe it isn\'t all together and it is only our tendency to classify and organize things, which makes it look organized. To the chain of cause and events I have not much to say. I will not be able to disprove it.” The foxes started jipping and japping, entering religious ecstasy, which might also have been be a result of the mushrooms they consumed. “But...” Desperation and suicidal danger entered the Fort Fox. “Your argument only proves a beginning, possibly of any sort, which is why it is no legitimate argument for atheism.” Simultaneously the foxes jumped onto the wolf and tore him to pieces. Afterwards they decided to swim in the well and drowned in their self-sustained ignorance.