
Autor: Silence

Erstellt am: 12.02.2007

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Geschrieben von:   Silence

Anmerkungen des Autors:
Es ist ein Versuch sich der Sprache der Alten (Frühneuenglisch) zu bedienen. Möge er mich korrigieren, der er weiser ist in solch Belangen - soll heißen: wenn was falsch ist bitte mal die Hand heben :o)

Thx für die erste Korrektur an meinen Kollegen, der doch sehr bewandert ist

Welcome Childe in our fold,
Thou art reborn through the embrace.
May thy heart hath turned cold
And no more blood flusheth thee face.
Thy soul’s more passionate, behold!
In hungry love it’s bright ablaze.

Mortality now is undone,
Though thou hast high a price to pay.
Beware to ever glimpse the sun,
For it will mark thine final day.
Lest ye be staked by holy hands,
Ye shouldst cut all thine mortal strands.

He who hath spilled his brother’s blood,
As father we refer to him.
The one ye call almighty god,
Condemned him for his deadly sin.
Accursed ye may think us be,
To drink the life from such as thee.

We know thou hast much to digest,
But seeketh not coffins as hosts,
So ye may take thy little rest.
T’is but a tale from holy ghosts,
As is the cross to block thy way,
Still, staked ye will be bound to stay!

We trust thou lern'st thy lesson well,
But brace thy self for more to come,
Cause we still have a lot to tell.
A fledgeling ye hast just become,
Still new to ways of kin and kine,
And fresh in coven, blood and line.

Awaken soon to walk the night,
To still thy hunger, hunting prey.
Feed upon your sometime kind,
Lest thy beast will go astray.
But on behest thou shallst not kill,
‘Takes concern and brings but ill.

Revere the clan for whom ye strife,
And always honor our way.
Cause Elders gave to ye unlife,
And dither not take like away.
We did not grant thee yet to breathe,
To cause but trouble and mischief.

These are our words, the book of nod,
Wise teachings of our father Caine,
The strongest ties all kindred got,
To break them is to die in shame.