Jack is back – Spade strikes Heart Vol II
Geschrieben von: Silence
Anmerkungen des Autors:
endlich fertig mit der fortsetzung, ich finde sie puntastic (^0^)
Der Autor hat folgende Stimmungen f�r sein Werk angegeben:
The Hand that Queen of Spades had dealt,
Did not mirror what he felt,
And when the game had ended badly,
Jack got up and left her sadly.
Leaving his old deck behind,
He made up his single mind,
Ventured out into the world,
And suddenly new games unfurled.
He played with cards of cars and men,
with strange things written upon them.
But as he had naught but one number,
they put his winning dreams to slumber.
So the black Jack ventured on,
Searching games yet to be won.
He found a deck with many faces,
each his own name and her own graces.
They told him future, present, past,
and that his bad luck wouldn't last.
But since theirs was no game to play,
Jack continued on his way.
While resuming his great tour,
he came upon a group of four,
and seventeen named after him,
who's glances where a little grim.
They had just lost their greatest Ace,
and still a cunning foe to face.
So he took twenty on the draw,
And kicked the player off the floor.
Thankful for his contribution,
they told him that with constitution,
he could reach the Jokers lands,
and let him help to change his hands.
On his way towards the boarder,
a small blind asked him for a quarter.
As thanks he gave the little tip,
that Jack should search for Joker's ship.
Standing starboard on the bridge,
looking down the little ridge,
The Joker, smiling happily,
called Jack over for some tea.
He told him all the scuttle bud,
and bout the biscuits he still got,
But when Jack asked him for his help,
He let out a frightened yelp.
Other cards they call him cheat,
'cause premises he did not meet,
he simply kept ignoring,
and that seemed to be getting boring.
So they cast him out' their games,
and started making wildest claims,
that his house rules don't apply,
followed by their last good bye.
As growing anger filled Jacks chest,
and started filling red his crest.
Instead of turning up his heart,
A diamond set itself apart.
Using his anger as his shield,
he told the Joker not to yield,
when the others wont condone,
and then he started running home.
Upon reaching the entryway,
his brother bade him to delay,
for the diamond was still bound,
to another of their round.
Anxious to be getting in,
and confident that he would win,
he struck hard on his brothers chest,
and after that took on his crest.
Jack told him not to be so cross,
for he would now play the new boss,
called on the others to convene,
and then he challenged his old queen.
The Queen of Spades with all her might,
almost broke him twice that night.
But when his hope started to fade,
Queen of Hearts rushed to his aide.
Together they matched up and won,
and as rang out their victory's song,
Their fingers o so slightly touched,
and black Jacks crest so slightly blushed.
His cross turned back to shape a heart,
That's when he knew they'd never part.