What a day
Geschrieben von: Silence
Anmerkungen des Autors:
leichte Kost^^
Der Autor hat folgende Stimmungen f�r sein Werk angegeben:
Nostrils flare, the breast is heaving,
The Tail is sweeping, claws are cleaving.
Whimpering behind some rock,
Sits a little frightened jock.
All his friends lie smashed and torn,
He wishes, he was never born.
A burning storm it now exhales,
Leaving molten rock as trails,
Heat arises ‘round his body,
His nauseated mind gets foggy.
Now should be the time to act,
Or he might end a toasted snack.
Plucking last courage from his heart,
He leaps into a running start.
Ignoring all the stinging burns,
He sprints through many twists and turns.
His torn up armour still aglow,
Still trailing smoke, he’s getting slow.
The tunnel narrows and there’s light,
Ending a near endless flight.
Slumping against a giant boulder,
Clutching still his ruined shoulder,
Shouting out cries of relief,
For he still is able to breathe.
All the fame and treasure gone,
The lonely jock starts limping home.
All his comrades torn and burned,
He constipates his lesson learned:
To fight a Dragon in his lair,
Brings mostly pain, death and despair!