Plok, the little Drop
Geschrieben von: Silence
Anmerkungen des Autors:
Ich habe eine Muse, von der ich mir meinen Kuss noch abholen muss^^
Der Autor hat folgende Stimmungen f�r sein Werk angegeben:
Plok … plok … plok …
Like a little drop.
It starts tickling in my chest,
Running down the ticklish crest,
Of my cheeks down to my chin,
Awakening the softened skin.
Holding steadfast to my heart,
The drop runs faster ever onward.
Down it journeys to my fingertips,
Awaiting them to touch your lips.
Your voice is ringing through the night,
It sings sweet tunes that lovers guide.
You’re not far now, I can see,
The little drop it jumps with glee.
The finger tilts, the hand goes down,
The little drop lets out a frown.
For when it’s time we finally met,
My lips should be in droplings stead.