Geschrieben von: Morgenstern
Teil des Episodenwerkes: Tale of never ending days.
- Einleitung
- Kapitel 1: The first awakening
- Kapitel 2: Dawn
- Kapitel 3: Disease.
- Kapitel 4: The first visit
- Kapitel 5: Time (part 1)
- Kapitel 6: The second visit.
- Kapitel 7: One hammer, one bullet.
- Kapitel 8: The last visit
- Kapitel 9: Fading sound
When I wake up for the second time it must be dawn or dusk, since beautiful red and orange strands of light are hitting the wall to my left. Content with the fact that, just for once, I might be able to get up early in the morning, I swing my legs over the rim of the bed. Do I? No, I don’t. Nothing moves. Remembering the last time I woke up, I begin to assume that still I am in a dream, which might also explain the fact why I should be awake and fit at such an unnatural time. Starting to get badly annoyed with this dream, the desire for a true awakening gets stronger and stronger in me. But then the woman enters the room, and as she is pretty, the dream might not be so bad overall. Weird clothing she is wearing though, all in white, like an angel. “Good morning”, she says and I put my best smile on and begin to respond. But again no words come out, I feel no smile on my face, and just don’t understand it. “This dream is really fucked up,” I think, even more so, because the woman quickly moves through the room, yanks the half-opened curtains to their outer extensions, and opens the window. The wind begins to race through the room, but it is warm and smells of spring, so I enjoy it. She apparently doesn’t, closes the window again, comes to my bedside and checks the needles in my arm. “Hold it! Needles in my arm?” Finally I realize that I am certainly not at all dreaming, but in a hospital and surely on some kind of drug, which would explain my inability to do anything, but think and sleep.