The first awakening
Geschrieben von: Morgenstern
Teil des Episodenwerkes: Tale of never ending days.
- Einleitung
- Kapitel 1: The first awakening
- Kapitel 2: Dawn
- Kapitel 3: Disease.
- Kapitel 4: The first visit
- Kapitel 5: Time (part 1)
- Kapitel 6: The second visit.
- Kapitel 7: One hammer, one bullet.
- Kapitel 8: The last visit
- Kapitel 9: Fading sound
I wake up and am surrounded by silence. It is dark, yet from the hallway a faint glimmer of neon light shines through the open door. Why is the door open? I am not used to leaving doors open anymore, since I was a little kid. Discomforted by this single fact, in a sea full of strangeness, I only concentrate on it and decide to get up and close the door. But as I try to get up, I realize that I cannot. I try again, attempting with all my force to lose the invisible straps, which bind me to the bed, and yet come to no success. The door apparently must be open, because that is one of the rules of the strange world, in which I live now. Unable to move, resigning to the invisible bonds, believing in a weird dream, I try to understand the things that I see from my position. There are two chairs to my left and a small table with a phone on it directly on the opposite wall. Another chair is carefully placed beside it and I recognise flowers lying on top of it. What the hell is going on? I’m starting to dislike this dream and therefore, apparently dreaming, attempt to go back to a deeper layer of sleep.