Spade strikes Heart
Geschrieben von: Silence
Anmerkungen des Autors:
Alice my dear, good to see you again.
Der Autor hat folgende Stimmungen f�r sein Werk angegeben:
Does the lovely Queen of Spades
Invite the Jack for tea these days?
We'll see,
The Jack's no colour in the game,
For Queen of Spades took it away.
Why my dear -
Won't need it anyway.
So the Jack amongst all cards,
Was cast out on his painted parts.
You make my words all monochrome,
'Cause my red lies in your throne.
Paint me your picture, Queen.
Is it Spade or is it Heart?
Have our colours joined unseen,
Or stay they still apart?
So tell me now:
Is Jack still trump,
Or is he but another card?