A Madmans Tale
Geschrieben von: Silence
Anmerkungen des Autors:
Alice my dear, care to join us?
Der Autor hat folgende Stimmungen f�r sein Werk angegeben:
Though art the sun out shines tonight.
T’is raining on my skinny hide.
My feet behold,
They walk on coals,
Still burn from cold.
Jump, jump, don’t fall,
The cliff is near,
Your cries I hear,
But still you call.
I’m running, I’m running,
Headlong out of the wall.
The hatter, the hatter,
He brings you my shoes,
Made of tea soaked bunny leather.
My honey, my honey,
Don’t laugh for the bunny,
Will always walk with you when it’s muddy.
And don’t call me buddy,
It’s husband to you.
Cry bitter tears of joy and fun,
For our love’s just been outrun.
I love you still,
Who are you dear?
I do not think I’ve known I fear,
Bound apart, unchained by will.
Expensive they were,
And you’ll pay the bill.
As the trees are green,
My heart still is black,
I may be your father,
But I’ll not be back.